
Quadra is proud of the excellent service it provides to processing customers, and its ability to track and develop new agricultural commodity sources from around the world.

At Quadra, we are confident in our ability to provide processors with the raw materials they need to serve the needs of their customers both now and in the future. We use our excellent relationships with suppliers world-wide to originate and market grains, oilseeds and sugar. The main bulk products that Quadra Ukraine handles are wheat, corn, soybeans, oilseeds, pulses and meals.

We are constantly seeking to improve and broaden the existing supply chain, while trading with new and emerging markets. We remain confident that our suppliers and partners will help us maximise the depth, quality and consistency of the commodities we are sourcing.

Over the years, we have established a strong network of farmers and domestic producers in Ukraine. We purchase daily from the farm gate, ex silo or CPT, and transact more than 1m MT each year of various agricultural commodities. In Ukraine we have a track-record of more than 6 years of unbroken profitability.