Since its creation in 2010, Quadra has had a strong focus on Risk Management.
Successful trading organisations are the ones that can efficiently identify and manage the wide variety of risks which face the business. Quadra continuously monitors risk and compliance relating to market, credit, and operational risk to drive its strategy, capabilities and performance.
To address Compliance risk, Quadra has adopted a number of internal policies (anti-money laundering, conflict of interest, anti-corruption) to comply with the high standards that have been established by the Board of Directors. The responsibilities of these internal policies are upheld by all employees, and the Corporate Risk team documents and reports to the Board any breach or sensitive situation that relates to compliance.
To address Market Risk, Quadra has defined through its risk management committee stringent position limits for all commodities and trading groups in order to manage the market exposure. These conservative limits and the strict adherence thereto have greatly helped to achieve continuous profitability over the years.
Lastly, our Credit Risk policy ensures that all counter-parties are checked via a well established KYC process prior to business activity, and that subsequent exposures remain within strict limits defined by the Board Risk Committee.